Mkuki Na Nyota Publishers

Nyerere's Final Piece:
Plato's Republic in Kiswahili

The manuscript completed by former Tanzanian president Julius Kambarage Nyerere, who also translated Julius Ceasar into Kiswahili, is finally published.

Plato (1)
Julius Nyerere, Tanzania's first president, was also a significant writer whose works reflected his political philosophy. His book "Ujamaa: Essays on Socialism" (1968) outlined his vision of African socialism, emphasizing communal living, equality, and self-reliance.

Nyerere translated Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar” (1963) and “The Merchant of Venice” (1969) into Swahili, promoting the language’s development and accessibility for Tanzanians. His policy of “Education for Self-Reliance” focused on integrating practical skills with formal education to foster independence.

Through his writings, Nyerere aimed to promote nation-building, socialism, and Swahili as a unifying national language.

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