Mkuki Na Nyota Publishers

Safari: An Illustrated Celebration of East African Fauna and Flora

Authors: Sarah Markes

Sh 75,000

Sarah Markes

In this exquisitely illustrated book, Sarah Markes has achieved something remarkable. Not only has she brought together a delightful selection of Eastern Africa’s biodiversity, both common and rare alike, but she has also delicately captured the essence and detail of each species. She invites us to view this beautiful miscellany through her unique talent while giving insight into the behaviour and conservation status of the plants and animals featured. To love is to nurture and I challenge anyone not to be inspired by these works of art

–Tim R B Davenport, Africa Director, Re:wild

This book features an array of East Africa’s animals and plants – from iconic ‘Safari’; species such as lions, elephants and ostriches to less well-known frogs, fish and flowers. I hope it inspires readers to explore, look, listen and learn more, and ideally support conservation of the natural environment in any way possible. If it inspires anyone to draw and paint, that would be a bonus

–Sarah Markes

About the Artist:

Sarah Markes uses art, design and writing to support conservation efforts. She studied graphic design and illustration at Central St. Martins College of Art in London, since when her work included collaboratively creating educational comic books, awareness campaigns, radio shows and schoolbooks covering public health, human rights and environmental issues in Malawi, Tanzania, Southern Sudan and Zambia. More recently, she spent eight years working for the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) in East Africa, before joining Oxford University’s Wildlife Conservation Research Unit (WildCRU). Sarah’s work blends artistry with advocacy, celebrating heritage, culture, and the natural environment. 

She has published two other books with Mkuki na Nyota: the award-winning Street Level – A Collection of Drawings and Creative Writing which celebrates the architectural heritage and vibrant life of Dar es Salaam and Sea Level – A Portrait of Zanzibar which highlights the island’s natural beauty and cultural wealth.

See more artwork from ‘Safari’ here

Weight 0.7 kg
Dimensions 176 × 176 mm


Year published


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