Mkuki Na Nyota Publishers

Julius Nyerere: Asante Sana, Thank You, Mwalimu

Authors: Phyllis Johnson, Snezana Korica

Sh 30,000

Phyllis Johnson and Snezana Korica

This book is a tribute honouring Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere as a visionary of the African revolution, and an inspiration for freedom, unity and development. He speaks to us here with his wisdom through abstracts from his many statements and speeches and through his expressive body language and facial expressions in images that cover a period of more than 40 years, ranging from his village in Butiama to the world stage. He was a beacon of leadership against global imperialism at a time when the infrastructure to fight against tyranny through education, military training and diplomatic support was as scarce as freedom itself.
Sovereignty and self-determination, economic and agricultural independence, strong strategic and military alliances with neighbours and allies were just a few of the many lessons left by Mwalimu as his legacy to present and future generations. These are the pillars upon which independent African nations can construct a strong and stable, united house.

Weight 0.9 kg


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