Mkuki Na Nyota Publishers

Constitutional and Legal System of Tanzania

Authors: Chris M. Peter, Dr Hamudi I. Majamba, Issa G. Shivji, Robert Makaramba

Sh 30,000

Issa G. Shivji, Dr Hamudi I. Majamba, Robert Makaramba, Chris M. Peter

The Civics and General Studies Syllabus prepared by the Ministry of Education of Tanzania requires teachers to cover a considerable amount of legal material. Yet there is no single sourcebook, which provides them with the necessary material to assist them in the teaching of Civics.

This sourcebook is a resource for teachers and students, providing a comprehensive treatment of the subject, which closely follows the syllabus published by the Ministry of Education.

Organised in seven parts and twenty two chapters, the sourcebook covers all important legal issues: sources of law, classification and division of law, the state and civil society, constitutional principles, Tanzania constitutional history and constitution-making; human rights, basic rights and duties in the Union and Zanzibar constitutions, international organisations (UN, AU, EAC, World Bank, IMF, GATT, WTO etc.); children rights, reproductive rights; the court system, environment and natural resources, nationalisations, liberalisation and regulatory law. At the end of each part, short bibliographic notes are included for further reading.

Prepared primarily for the needs of secondary school students, the book is tailored also to meet the needs of the layperson needing legal guidance and information, civil society organisations, NGOs, and those involved in advocacy work. Students in institutions of higher learning will benefit from the book as a foundation for their own courses.

About the Authors
The contributors are distinguished legal scholars and practitioners from the Faculty of Law at the University of Dar es Salaam: Professor Issa G. Shivji, Dr Hamudi I. Majamba, Robert Makaramba and Professor Chris M. Peter. They are widely published in books and journals on legal and political issues in Tanzania and in Africa generally.

Weight 0.9 kg


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