Mkuki Na Nyota Publishers

A Journey Through Darkness

Authors: Margareth Maganga

Sh 12,000

Margareth Maganga

SKU: 9789987082216 Categories: , , , Tag:

Many of us may live our lives without ever stopping to think “What if I couldn’t see?” We hardly ever ask ourselves this question because, to say the least, we take our eyes for granted. I, like most people, had never thought about it until 11th January 2008. My mother came to wake me up that morning and asked what I was still doing in bed and confidently I replied, “It is still dark outside Mum”. She told me it was 8 am and the sun was shining bright (a typical African morning!). I rubbed my eyes, opened them wider and yelled out, “I can’t see! I can’t see!” That was the beginning of a long journey through darkness.

About the author
MARGARETH MAGANGA was born in Musoma, Tanzania in 1988. She attended Serare Primary School in Kajiado, Kenya and The Kenya High School in Nairobi. She is currently a third-year Law student at the University of Leeds, England. She is the president of the East African Society at the university and also a member of the United Nations Association. Her ambition in life is to become a Judge for she is a strong believer in fairness and justice for all. She is the only daughter of Mr. & Mrs Paschal Maganga and a sister to Evarist, Raphael and Luckness Maganga.

International availability:
This book is internationally distributed by African Books Collective

Weight 0.2 kg
Dimensions 198 × 129 mm



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